Solstice Poem

This is me joining The Poetry Pub‘s Poem A Day (#popubpad) / November Poem A Day (#novpod) with the Day 9 prompt solstice. The winter solstice of course takes place on December 21, which is the day the church traditionally sings O Oriens.

O Oriens, we speak of Dayspring
as darkness folds us in blankets,
because we choose to recall
lucis aeternae
returns with the son of justice,
this year as the earth groans
awaiting the Light of the World.

Letters to my Sisters December 2016

New Year, Same GodIf you’re anything like me, your email box and social media news feed and snail mail box are all full of missives proclaiming messages like “New Year, new you!” and recommended lists of resolutions to make this time around. But let’s not concentrate on who you can be or will be. Let’s concentrate on who you ARE; and more importantly, since you are in Christ, who He is.

Letters to my Sisters March 2016

Hope From The Darkest Time in History

Many dear friends of mine have been suffering from depression lately. Not just a time of feeling blue, but deep soul-rending pain that leaves them questioning their very existence. Weeping with them and praying for them is in sharp contrast to the new life of spring surrounding us—flowers blooming, leaves returning, sunshine beckoning.

Letters to my Sisters January 2016

I’ve started writing monthly for Letters to my Sisters!

Eagerly Waiting with Perseverance
At first ‘hope in troubled times’ sounded like a no-brainer to me. After all, that oh-so-familiar Jeremiah 29:11 says “For I know the plans I have for you, declares the Lord, plans for welfare and not for evil, to give you a future and a hope.” We have hope because we have Christ, right? …Right? I have to be honest: I can quote verses about hope all day, but I have a hard time knowing what that’s supposed to feel like. …